Friday, April 23, 2010

Tell Us About Your Life

Kelly's Korner is posting today about how people met their husbands. I think this is such a cute idea. I want to participate in this, but I don't have time today since I am helping my BIL shovel a truck load of mulch into the backyard, but I wanted to encourage other bloggers to share their stories or anyone who would like to can post their story in my comment section. I love hearing people's love stories!

So, feel free to share. And if you can't than just take a moment to remember how and why you fell in love with your spouse and then remind them about how much you love them!

Have a wonderful and love filled day!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Here's my link to my love story:

(It's number 4 on the list)

Can't wait to hear yours!!!

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